Closed rhinoplasty Korea + deviated, flat, and hump nose_Noselab

Closed rhinoplasty Korea + deviated nose + hump nose + flat nose_Noselab

Nose Shape Analysis

have the tip drooping
have a hump nose
have a crooked nose
be blunt
have a retracted columella

Surgical plan

Lateral osteotomy is performed to remove the hump and correct the curved nose.
It corrects the bulbous nose by projecting the tip of the nose and reducing the thickness of the skin at the tip of the nose using self-rib cartilage.
Lower the columella slightly to correct the nasolabial angle to 95 degrees.

These pictures are right after the surgery

  A general review

It is a typical hump nose with the droopy tip of the nose. I removed the hump using osteotomy and used the self-rib cartilage to make a natural and sophisticated feminine nose by standing up the tip of the nose. The hump nose is a symbol of the male nose, so you can make a feminine image with just removing the hump.

closed rhinoplasty

deviated nose + hump nose + flat nose

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