This patient visited my clinic to remove the hump, to correct the droopy nose, and he wanted to be treated with functional parts because of his usual nasal congestion and rhinitis symptoms.

This is a side photo when designing before surgery. The hump consists of bony and cartilagenous portion, and the bony part was relatively big, and the nasion was also high, so the starting point was very high, and the tip of the nose looked shorter and drooping compared to the nose bridge. I planned to make the shape of the tip of the nose naturally by organizing the part of hump with osteotomy, including the middle of the nose bone, and extending the tip of the nose with the septal cartilage.

The left nostril is larger than the right side and the nostrils are also naturally asymmetrical, so I decided to match it as much as possible through cartilage work while raising the tip of the nose.

On the front, the nose bridge looks curved and wide, so I planned an lateral osteotomy and decided to naturally correct the shape of the nostrils.
Surgical findings
The patient\’s septal cartilage was bent more than expected, the size was small and thin, so the functional improvement surgery took longer than expected. The nose bone was large and hard, but it was trimmed well enough and the width was adjusted well because the lateral osteotomy was performed. The tip of the nose improved the feeling of shortness, and the nasolabial angle was naturally corrected by lowering the columella.

The starting point went down moderately, the hump on the dorsum was neatly corrected, and the stubby appearance at the tip of the nose was improved well.

The short tip of the nose has naturally corrected the feeling of a hooked nose, and once the swelling is reduced, you will feel slimmer.

The bent appearance disappeared with lateral osteotomy and cartilage reposition at the tip of the nose, and the width of the nose and nose bridge was naturally corrected considering the swelling.

The nostril asymmetry was corrected by trimming and tying the left alar cartilage to form a shape similar to that of the right nostril.
A general review
It was generally a simple curved nose and a hump nose correction surgery, but it was difficult because the septal cartilage was small, thin, and curved, but it was enough to create a natural shape, so I think the results were good.
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