– Skin necrosis and Contracted nose repair due to excessive surgery and inflammation._Noselab

The above patient visited my clinic after undergoing the 5th surgery at various clinics.

2015 Silicon + Ear cartilage

2020 Hip dermis + septal cartilage

Additional hip dermis transplant after 4 months

2021 Hip dermis transplant + ear cartilage

Skin necrosis occurs after re-correction after 3 days


In order to recover the necrotic skin, stem cell injection treatment collected from autologous fat was performed four times, stem cell injection treatment collected from autologous blood was performed twice, and the first surgery was performed. The patient’s nasal cavity was very severe with damage to the nasal septum and the wing cartilage was absorbed, leaving little left.

1.Pre-Op 2.Post-Stem cell treatment 3.1st Op 4.8 Months 5.2nd Op 6.10 days

The nasal septum cartilage and wing cartilage were reconstructed using autologous rib cartilage, and the nasal end was lowered by performing a nasal septum extension, and autologous dermis and ear cartilage were transplanted under the skin of the depressed nose tip to restore the damaged soft tissue layer as much as possible. Self rib cartilage was stored for secondary surgery.


1.Pre-Op 2.Post-Stem cell treatment 3.1st Op 4.8 Months 5.2nd Op 6.10 days

Six months after the first surgery, stem cell treatment collected from autologous blood was performed twice, and then the second surgery was performed to improve the nostrils showing and the depressed skin and asymmetry.


1.Pre-Op 2.Post-Stem cell treatment 3.1st Op 4.8 Months 5.2nd Op 6.10 days 

According to the surgical findings, the cartilage reconstructed in the first surgery was in good condition, and the cartilage was reinforced in the depressed area and autologous ribs were transplanted to the nose and nose to produce


good results.


more before & after

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Messenger(WeChat) : noselab513

3F, 556, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


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